How to Calculate 2022 property taxes owing based on 2021 assessments.
Updated January 14th 2022
The original video could be interpreted that your property taxes will go up 40-60% higher simply because your values increased. This is not necessarily true, and it is very different in each province and municipality how property taxes are calculated. Please watch both videos to get a better understanding of how to calculate taxes in your area.
BC assessment values are now live for 2021.
You can check your property value here:
Some suggestions:
Calculate your estimated tax bill ahead of time (each city or district will have this feature):
If your mortgage company makes your payment annually, call them and request a monthly payment increase so no surprises in July with a deficit account. Avoid playing catch up in future years!
If you pay your own taxes.The City of Kelowna has an excellent PAWS online system you can set up monthly payments all completely online now: