Credit Tips | Improve Credit Score using Credit Cards

Credit Tips | Improve Credit Score using Credit Cards

In order to Improve Credit Score using Credit Cards you must never go over a 50% balance compared to your limit.  If your limit is $10,000, never go over $5000 and your credit score will increase!  However you may find this challenging using just one credit card.  So in order to Improve Credit Score using Credit Cards:

Call your bank and ask for a credit limit increase.  This will NOT affect your credit score for the worse and will actually boost it because you will have a lower limit once it is approved!

If you have had a credit card for over 12 months and never missed a payment; chances are you will be approved without the bank even doing a credit check! 

If you bank does not increase your limit.  GO TO ANOTHER BANK.  Get the banks competing for your business and it does not hurt to have multiple cards being managed properly. 

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